
Crazy January Challenge 2012 - Day Thirty-One - Last Day, Theme-a-licious, Oldest UFO update and January Reading LIst

Reports! Reports! Reports!

Report # 1
Today was the last day of the (Modified Ultimate) Crazy January Challenge 2012.  For today's start I made another change  and pulled out another Mill Hill kit. This one has a Halloween theme - Starlight Ghost. Here is my progress:

Report #2
Today is also the day to update on my January Theme-a-licious stitching.  Without really trying I managed to stitch on quite a number of flowers this month.   All the Hearts of Canada charts had Provincial flowers on them and a couple of my other starts and WIPs  contained flowers.  In the collage below are some of the Provincial flowers I stitched along with Sew Gigi (iStitch  Designs) and part of a piece I stitched for an exchange (the full piece and name of the chart will be announce once my partner has received it).  The section I am currently working on in the Castles in the Air is called Formal Garden.

Next month's theme is Fangirl February

Send a Valentine to your favorite designer...or at least work on his or her designs for the month!
I will be devoting my stitching during the month of February to Little House Needlework designs with a little bit of Teresa Wentzler thrown in (I want to continue making some progress on my oldest UFO - Peacock Tapestry).  I have 2 LHN WIPs - Home Of A Needleworker and Home of A Needleworker, Too plus I have another chart - Snowflakes - and a number of her ornament charts that I want to stitch.

Report #3
I managed a little bit of stitching on my oldest UFO - TW Peacock Tapestry.  I have the left hand border almost done.

Well it is getting late and I need to get some sleep.  Take care and happy stitching!!!!!!!!

PS.  Below is a list of books I finished reading (or listened to) this past month.

January Reading list
1. Track of the Cat - Nevada Barr (ebook)
2. Apple Turnover Murder - Joanna Fluke (ebook)
3. As the Pig Turns - M. C. Beaton (audiobook)
4. Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came - M. C. Beaton (audiobook)
5. The Nesting Dolls - Gail Bowen
6. Murder with Peacocks - Donna Andrews (ebook)
7. A Red Herring without Mustard - Alan Bradley (audiobook)
8. Agatha Raisin and the Potted Gardener - M.C. Beaton (audiobook)
9. Blueberry Muffin Murder - Joanna Fluke (ebook)

10. April Fool Dead - Carolyn Hart (audiobook)


  1. Great going in January with your SALs. Your read/listened to a lot of books I thought I had done well with four lol. Love Joanne Fluke / M C Beaton ones.

  2. beautiful stitching..
    happy feb dear xxx

  3. Great progress in Jan, especially with the modified crazy challenge. Your selection of flowers for the month is gorgeous. Some lovely pieces are there for Feb so I'm looking forward to seeing those.

  4. Your card montage is fabulous. You have done so gorgeous stitching

  5. Love the Jan piece, Loretta. Great going on the peacock border.

  6. Gorgeous work!! I'll be stitching along with you on Peacock Tapestry! Although probably not in the same place...I'm lost amongst the leaves!


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