WIPocalypse 2020

Here is a list of my WIPs:

**WIPs started prior to 2019
Those highlighted in green are WIPs I started prior to 2019 and finished.

**1. Santa's Welcome - Debbie Mumm (Dimensions) 
**2. Quaker Penquin - The Workbasket(free chart)
**3. The Elizabeth Hancock Sampler - Little House Needleworks
**4. Cross Canada Cross-Stitch - Many Flowers Design Company
**5. Here Comes Santa Claus - Kanikis
**6. Imagine Tree Ornament - M Designs
7. Alice in Wonderland - Bothy Threads (artwork by Deborah Street of Bramble Crafts)
**8. Halloween Fairy - Nora Corbett (Herrschnerrs' download, originally published in Cross Stitch & Needlework Sept 2008)
**9. Luna - Nora Corbett
**10. Hometown Holiday - My House - Little House Needleworks
**11. Christmas Calendar - Allessandra Adelaide Needlworks
**12. Mini So Many Books So Little Time - Heaven and Earth Designs (Randal Spangler)
**13. Something Wicked Mystery Sampler - SamSarah Design Studio
**14. Christmas Treasures Collection - Bride's Tree Box and 12 Ornaments - Victoria Sampler
**15. Joy in the Journey - Leisure Arts (Diane Williams)
**16. Welcome - Small - Mystic Stitch Inc. (Stephanie Marriott)
**17. Commemorative Hummingbirds of the World 2013 - Red-billed Streamertail
**18. My Stitching Chair Neccessaire - Hillside Samplings
**19. Perfect Partners - The Silver Lining
**20. Little Sheep Virtues -Faith - Little House Needleworks
**21. Little Sheep Virtues - Patience - Little House Needleworks
**22. Blue Jeans and Daisies Mystery Sampler - Blue Ribbon Designs
**23. Nutcracker Christmas Stocking - X's and Oh's Needlework Designs
**24. Monopoly - C & L Crafts Co. (Parker Brothers)
**25. Hometown Holiday - Main Street Station - Little House Needleworks
**26. Howling at the Moon - Kustom Krafts
**27. Santa?? - Leisure Arts Magazine (Sue Arton)
**28. Beary Merry Christmas (Santa) - Dimensions (Kit)
**29. I shall wear purple... - Sue Hillis Designs
**30. Welcome to the Nuthouse - Waxing Moon Designs
**31. Nutcracker's Tree Skirt - True Colors Great Big Graphs (Woodrow Bowman and Bertha S. Dunn)
**32. Peacock Tapestry - Teresa Wentzler
**33,. Nutcrackers (Pillow Top) - Prairie Schooler
**34. Snowbells - Flurry - Mill Hill (Debbie Mumm)
35, Noah's Christmas Ark II - Doves - Plum Street Samplers
36. Noah's Christmas Ark II - Honeybees - Plum Street Samplers
37. Noah's Christmas Ark III - Whales - Plum Street Samplers
38. Noah's Christmas Ark III - Squirrels - Plum Street Samplers
39. Noah's Christmas Ark IV - Pandas - Plum Street Samplers
40.. Noah's Christmas Ark IV - Parrots - Plum Street Samplers
41. Noah's Christmas Ark V - Hyenas - Plum Street Samplers
42. Noah's Christmas Ark V - Sheep - Plum Street Samplers
43. Noah's Christmas Ark VI - Ravens - Plum Street Samplers
44. Noah's Christmas Ark VI - Deer - Plum Street Samplers
45, Dicken's Mittens Chapter One - Bob Cratchit - The Cricket Collection
46. Dicken's Mittens Chapter One - Marley's Ghost - The Cricket Collection
47. Dicken's Mittens Chapter One -  Ghost of Christmas Past - The Cricket Collection
48. Dicken's Mittens Chapter One - Old Fezziwig - the Cricket Collection
49. Dicken's Mittens - Chapter Two - Belle - The Cricket Collection
50  Dicken's Mittens - Chapter Two - The Ghost of Christmas Present - The Cricket Collection
51. Dicken's Mittens - Chapter Two - The Ghost of Christmas Future - The Cricket Collection
52. Dicken's Mittens - Chapter Two - Fred - The Cricket Collection
53. Dicken's Mittens - Chapter Two - Neice By Marriage - The Cricket Collection
54. Sabrina - Nora Corbett
55.  Spellbound - Glendon Place
56. The 12 Days of Christmas: Day Four - Teresa Wentzler -  completed January 10, 2020
57. Seasons in Chalk: Winter  - Hands on Designs (Priscilla Blain) - (JCS January 2016)
58. Frosty Forest: Frosty Forest - Country Cottage Needleworks - completed January 21, 2020
59. Rack Stack - Plum Street Samplers - completed January 24, 2020
60. Moose Joy - Angel Stitchin (JCS Christmas 2019) - completed January 13,  2020
61. The 12 Days of Christmas: Day 5 - Teresa Wentzler
62.  Frosty Friends: Snowy Friends - Country Cottage Needleworks
63. Christmas Bullfinch - Punochka (JCS Christmas 2019)
64. The Nutcracker - Country Cottage Needlework - completed
65. Nutcracker - Nessy Lynn
66. Winter Chalkboard - Craftways Corporation (Cathy Habermann)
67. Baby It’s Cold Outside - Heartstring Samplery - completed March 3, 2020

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