
Counting Stiches


Do you count your stitches? I never did until last month after joining The Ultimate Cross Stitch Group on Facebook.  Which is quite surprising since I have always been a numbers gal. I was a bookkeeper for most of my working life and I always want to know how many km I walked or biked.  I also wear a Fitbit.

I am not counting all my stitches.  That would be too much for even me but I do enjoy having 1 or 2 focus pieces and seeing how much progress I can make on a chart just by adding 50 - 200 stitches daily.  As I mentioned before, last month I focused on Welcome Santa (a piece that had been sitting on my WIP pile for a few months) and just by following the daily stitch calendar provided by the Group I managed to get over 3000 stitches in and the next time I pick it up I can start on the border and the backstitching.

This month I am doing 2 counting challenges within the group.  I am once again doing the Every Day Counts S@L and my focus piece is Five Little Pumpkins by Petal Pusher.  I am 544 stitches as of today.

They also have an October event called Spooktacular Boo Go.  Every day from the 1st to the 24th a stitch count is revealed on "Boo Go" card and you have to stitch that amount on chosen piece and post a picture.  My chosen piece is Away We Ride by Blackbird Designs which is also a SAL and part of my Dark October stitching.

Yesterday was #witchywednesdayxs so I pulled out Early Witches and since I am so close finishing I worked on it again today.   All I have left to do is the border at the bottom and a little on the side.

Finally, I think somebody wants me to finish the Stoney Creek Halloween charts because when I spinned the wheel this morning, guess what?

Since the Early Witches will be done soon I will be moving it to work on Wednesdays.

Take Care and Happy Stitching!!!!!



  1. No I don't count my stitches. I am also in that group and did not see that SAL. Oh well, I really don't need a SAL right now. Great job though.

  2. You made good progress on the Santa piece along with the other WIPs you shared on this post. I keep eyeballing the Five Little Pumpkins stitch on her etsy shop. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Thank you! You have a good weekend too.

  4. I've never actually counted my individual stitches, but I have attempted to stitch 10x10 squares so that's 100 stitches.

    BTW, I love your Halloween projects.


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